Reference Guide

AdTrack Administration

The AdTrack Administration program allows you to specify configuration entries that contain four elements that define the way banner ads display on your site. Adtrack is not a banner ad graphic creation program, it is a program used to manage the display and rotation of ads and to track the number of times an ad has been clicked by a user.

Please note your AdTrack ID

The AdTrack ID is used when displaying banners on HTML pages on your web site.

Your AdTrack ID is displayed when you log into the AdTrack program in Sitemanager. It is a random number that is unique to your account and has been assigned to you by Telusys.

Adding Banner Ads

You must edit these entries in order to make changes to your site's banner ads. Every entry corresponds to an ad. Every entry must have a group designation, which is a number. All ads that share the same group number will be displayed on a rotating basis. In order to display an ad you must add a special AdTrack tag to the "Main Text" area of the SmartSite page where you would like your group of ads to appear. The ads start displaying and rotating every few seconds as soon as the Web page loads. When all ads have displayed the system starts again with the first ad in the group.

Banners must be GIFs or JPEGs and can be stored anywhere on your site, using the TSAP program, or they can be on the Internet. You can specify link information by indicating a file path for local files or a full URL such as for external files. Use the term nolink if you do not want the banner to link to another page.

The weight parameter is currently not used.

Entry Format: [Group ] [GIF or JPEG] [URL or "nolink"] [Ad Weight]

Sample Configuration Entries:

Group GIF or JPEG URL or "nolink" Ad Weight
10 /graphics/convention.banner.gif nolink 100
10 /banners/security.banner.gif /publications/publications.html 100
20 /images/banner.gif /careers.colleges/independent.html 100
20 new.membership.banner.gif /mission/membership.html 100
20 100

  • Ads with same Group Number will rotate in sequence.

  • Specify GIF or JPEG Filename which must be a valid URL on your site or the Internet.

  • Specify the URL for the HREF link. Use the code nolink if you do not want a particular ad to be clickable or linked to another page or site.

  • Ad weight is currently not in use. Use a value of 100. In the future this will be used to give some ads higher weight or place more importance on them during the rotation of groups.

    Placing Banners Ads at The Top of Your SmartSite Pages (Short Format)

    The placement of a banner ad at the top of your SmartSite page is controlled by placing an HTML tag in your SmartSite "Main Text" area when editing a page.

    This tag is processed by the SmartSite web server and is never seen by visitors to your site. The tag is automatically converted to a banner graphic and link as it is sent out by the server.

    Make sure you specify your banner ad group number in the AdTrack tag.

    If your banners do not display with this call, please contact Telusys for assistance.

    Short Format sample banner ad tag for your SmartSite page:

    <banner group=100>

    Rotation ad display time using the Short Format AdTrack code is 3 seconds per ad.

    Placing Banners Ads Anywhere on Your SmartSite Pages (Long Format)

    The placement of a banner ad anywhere on your SmartSite page is controlled by placing an HTML tag in your SmartSite "Main Text" area when editing a page.

    This tag is processed by the SmartSite web server and is never seen by visitors to your site. The tag is automatically converted to a banner graphic and link as it is sent out by the server.

    Make sure you specify your code and desired banner ad group number in the AdTrack tag.

    If your banners do not display with this call, please contact Telusys for assistance.

    Long Format sample banner ad tag for your SmartSite page:

    <!--#include virtual="/banner-bin/"-->

    1234567 = Your AdTrack ID number. If you do not know your ID number click on the AdTrack link in Sitemanager to display it.

    10 = A group number you have assigned to an ad. You may use any number you choose. All ads within a group will rotate.

    3 = Ad rotation display time in seconds We recommend a 3 second rotation.
    Please note: Codes must be present in exact order as shown.
