Purchase Courses

Before you purchase a course, you must register as a TCE user. The registration is free. Select the link "Register for a TCE System User Account" and fill out the contact information. At this point you will select a username and password to register as a user of the TCE system. All information (contact information, username, and password) can be updated at any time at "Update Your TCE System User Account".

If you cannot remember if you have an TCE account or your username and/or password, select "Have the TCE System Send You Your User Name and Password via E-mail" and enter your e-mail address. If you are a TCE user, the system will send your username and password to your e-mail account. It is recommended that you use only one TCE account.

Once you have the username and password, you may select "Purchase a Continuing Education Course" and enter your username and password to begin purchasing courses.

You will be presented with a list of available courses after you sign in. There is a "Check Your TCE History" button above the list. Be sure to select it to view courses you have purchased and completed. Normally, you will not receive additional CE credits for taking a quiz again.

You may purchase multiple courses at once. Check all of the courses you wish to purchase and fill out the credit card information. Your contact information will be filled by the system. You may make changes if necessary at this point.

You will receive a confirmation page after you have selected the Continue button. Verify your purchase information and select Complete Registration to finish the process. If there is incorrect information, click your browser's back button to correct it. Once the purchase is complete, you will receive an e-amil with access information to the course.